The thing I have always loved about gems is how you can find different worlds upon worlds within them. These paintings are those worlds, those landscapes and lessons that have been discovered at exactly the right time. I created all of these works in 2019 and stored them away, I think subconsciously I knew these lessons needed space. So when I moved my studio I found all of these beautiful pieces I had forgotten about. When I started piecing together the collection I couldn’t shake the question of “why now”? Why did I stumble on them at this point in time? So I got quiet enough to listen to myself to find out.
I was meant to have these pieces hidden for a while. For the lessons to be working through me and to be revealed exactly at this moment of time. Enough space and time between them to find a profound perspective, far enough removed from the feeling to truly learn the lesson, not just find it. It brought me to a sense of balance, a sense of assurance that my purpose is being fulfilled, a sense of knowing that my purpose is always guiding me. There were years where I ran away from myself, tried to hold back my power but it always came out. Because it was meant to. Because I was meant to realize my greatness and let it overtake me. The divine timing of this collection lights me up knowing I’ve worked out so much darkness. I am proud of the journey that has led me here, exactly where I am supposed to be.
Available Works Can Be Found In ART SHOP